Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thought for the Day

-Alice's adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll 

Conformity is so ingrained in our psyche and culture that sometimes I worry we don't see the best in people because we're all so busy trying to fit in.

It takes guts to be different - and to be different not out of defiance or rebellion of the social norm, but just because it's just who you want to be.

Why are we so afraid to be different? Or maybe the question is why do we need to fit in? Is this sense of "belonging" really something we need to be happy?

Or can being happy simply mean being true to who we want to be - even if that's honouring your inner kid and running around the park doing cartwheels when you're 60 years old - gosh, that sounds good!

Fancy doing that right now?