Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thought for the Day

-Alice's adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll 

Conformity is so ingrained in our psyche and culture that sometimes I worry we don't see the best in people because we're all so busy trying to fit in.

It takes guts to be different - and to be different not out of defiance or rebellion of the social norm, but just because it's just who you want to be.

Why are we so afraid to be different? Or maybe the question is why do we need to fit in? Is this sense of "belonging" really something we need to be happy?

Or can being happy simply mean being true to who we want to be - even if that's honouring your inner kid and running around the park doing cartwheels when you're 60 years old - gosh, that sounds good!

Fancy doing that right now?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Thought for the Day

"If you think back and replay your year, if it doesn't bring you tears, either joy or sadness, consider the year wasted" - John Cage, Ally McBeal 

In between his bathroom isometrics and his whistling nose, the little weird man in that show had some pretty spot on moments - and this was one of them for me. 

All too often tears of sadness are dismissed as joyless times that are to be forgotten. But those can be the moments where profound lessons are begging to be learned. The sad times, the good times - they  are simply life yearning for you to grow. 

Look back on your year, remember the joy and the tears...and smile. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thought for the Day

There's the danger of making everything all about "You"...remove the "You" and you start to see things more clearly. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thought for the Day

Image source:

Simplicity should be woven into life's rich tapestry - and we should try our best to live by it.

It won't always be easy, but you can rule out a lot of life's dramas just by keeping it simple.

Speak your truth, make it your best friend.  Deliver it with kindess and be gentle with yourself when receiving it - especially when it may be pointing out elements you need to work on.

Why complicate life when you really don't need to?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thought for the day

The sky isn't always blue
The sun doesn't always shine
It's alright to fall apart...sometimes...

- "One and One" - Robert Miles 

It's alright to fall apart sometimes.  Life is about the highs and the lows - the highs are enjoyed even more when you experience the lows.  And the lows serve as the greatest teachers if you allow yourself to learn from them.

Even when you embrace positivity and you find ways to combat the negative, sometimes things get overwhelming.  And it's alright - it happens to everyone, even those who appear to have it all together.

You will get through it and you will emerge stronger - you are stronger than you know, you just have to believe it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thought for the day

"There are two types of decisions. Ones where you are right, and ones that you learn from."

I can't remember if I read this somewhere or somehow put it together from a bunch of things I read, but either way, remembering this has given me a lot of comfort over the years.

It's helped me forgive myself for the things I've done that may have hurt other people (and myself) and asked me to gently learn from those mistakes to make sure I do my best not to do them again.

I've found this to be one of my greatest lessons so far - to become a better person, you have to make amends, but you have to forgive yourself first. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thought for today

Picture source:

People can only make you feel whatever you let them.

This is one of these best things I ever read. It's not always easy to do and when you're on the receiving end of a hurtful comment from someone you're close to, it's even harder.

But take a moment to breathe, and remember that the person saying it is hurting in their own way - you are simply at the receiving end of their pain. You are in control of your own feelings and emotions - once you know and believe this, your inner peace will rely on no one else but yourself. And that's powerful.